Saturday, January 29, 2005

He's at it again!

My darling other half has been trying to convert me to Linux. I think he senses my frustration and that I've had about all I can take from XP! He's offered to get me a Linux CD so I can boot up in Linux to test it. Well, he did convert me to Mozilla after all so maybe Linux will be okay? Oh, sometimes change is good. Guess we shall see, eh?

This has been a busy, busy week! I managed to get everything done that I needed to get done and also be a bit creative on the way.
Today, I added some pretties over at Spicey Creations

I've been trying to get a decent pic of this mother of pearl and cranberry pearl bracelet for ages!

I also got these cool buttons and made this for myself (ignore messy chignon):

Oh, and I managed to get the first batch of zines mailed off on Friday. They are now winging their way off their destinations. I now have to do a second printing as I have a couple more requests. Hopefully, get those all done next week. YAY for zine-y goodness!

I was craving homemade chocolate chip goodness and not being able to go out and buy some, I had to resort to making my own:

They alot more chunkalicious than the photo suggest. Dangerously so, in fact!

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

It snowed last night! :)

Okay, so it lasted all of 5 minutes and it didn't stick, but my other half and I were witnesses to this! It doesn't snow where we live. Well, rarely, anyway! I never seen more than a few flakes much like last night's in the 5 years I've lived here.
I had to be quick, but I managed to snap a couple photos before it disappeared.

Those tiny white specs you see are snowflakes:

It stuck to the ground for 2 whole minutes before disappearing:

Monday, January 24, 2005

Zine Trauma

Well, as a select few you readers (we'll get back to the fact that there are actually folk reading my blog in minute) are aware I had a sort of epiphany. No, that's not the right word. Let me attempt to explain it a bit better. See, I had finally finished my zine after months of wanting to do it, then a month of planning then actually typing it all out an doing it. It felt finished. The protocopy was looking good and certainly something I, personally, would love to receive. Then, some sort of doubt, I guess settled in. I starting seeing all these ways my zine could be so much better as I start my second issue. (Yes, I've starting writing for it and it's due out in May.) I took a couple days, delaying printing and mailing to hash it over. What I decided is that in my heart, the zine is finished. Getting sappy enough for you yet? ;) It is how I planned it and the way I wanted it at the time of its conception. I feel it should be respresentative of that. I'm not completely sure that any of this makes any sense. It really did sound so much better in my head. So, right now I am at getting zines done for those I "owe" and I will maybe print out some extras to have on hand for trades OR print out on a case by case basis. I love trading so I could be easily persuaded to do either. :)
Anyway, I've pretty much decided that Issue 2 will have white or cream-colored pages. (Issue 1 has blue for no particular reason except that I thought it looked cool.)Also, lots more artwork, writing, and maybe even an interview or 2. We'll see how that pans out.

In other more exciting news, perhaps. I received an ATC RAK (Random Act of Kindness)! It is so beautiful! I am definitely going to reciprocate. I also received some really cool cards in a 3-way trade. I need to get the artists' permission before posting photos so hopefully I will not forget to ask so I can show their cool work.

Also, I want to thank those who are reading my blog and have sent such positive emails about it. Those messages really do make my day and encourage me to continue! :D Feel free to leave comments on individual messages as well.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

News you can use...

Okay, well maybe not news you can use, but news just the same. :)
It's rainy and yucky out which usually make for fairly creative days.

I forgot to mention that my sneak peek is up over at The Sampler. I sent in mostly beaded keychains, a few pendants on black cotton cord, and 5 "couple" sets of wine glass charms. Here's a photo I took as of an example of the goodies I submitted before sending:

No, it's not the same one up at the sampler. :)

I've also added a couple of pretties over at Spicey Creations. Here's some photos of a couple of them:

Turquoise Chunk Necklace

Garnet and Pearls Bracelet (15% off until Feb 1)

I hope to get some more items added tomorrow.
I also plan to added a photo of the cover of my mini-zine, but maybe not. It's been an interesting day sorta. I've got lots of pretties to take photos of, but I prefer using natural light and that's hard when it's dark and grey out! :(

Monday, January 17, 2005

Another ATC kinda day

Here's some more of my ATCs (Artist Trading Cards). This is addictive!

Travelling Circus

Home Sweet Home

Treetime Treasures

I need to work on my collage and definitely take more photos of the ones I'm making! I also want to work on drawing some and possibly doing some in watercolor. Such are my ambitions! We'll see how that pans out. :)

Oh! I almost forgot: My mini-zine "Delicious" is finished which means now I start printing out zines and putting them together for mailing. I think the mailing out will start Thursday. I'm so excited! :D :D :D

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Zine Sneak Peek

Here are a few pics of my zine. Well, the "prototype" anyway. I'm having loads of fun making it and it helps me keep my mind off things.

Front cover:

Random Page:

It's nearly finished then I can mail out my trades. YAY! If you are interested in trading for your zine, feel free to email me. Must feed my zine habit.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

More ATCs

My last post was bit sad so I thought I'd post some more ATCs to show:

Crimson Reflection

Lil Asia

Quiet Jungle

Ladybug Scales

I hope to work on collage and other techniques so I can do even more things with my cards! They are certainly addictive. Whoda thunk it?
Yes, I'd love to trade cards with you as that really is the whole point, isn't it? ;) Stay tuned for a couple sneak peeks from my zine tomorrow.
P.S. I did not scan them because taking a photo turned out to be quicker.

Feeling Melancholic

Today is an odd day. I had taken my father's pictures down right after he passed away (December 15, 2004) as it was too painful to see them out. and I finally felt like looking at them today. Perhaps I will be able to have them around me again soon as I'm starting to miss his face.
I'm feeling rather melacholic. When you lose someone you love, you never really forget, it's always there somewhere in the back of you mind, lurking. Particularly in this case when it's so fresh and I'm still in mourning. Whatever I'm doing, it's always hanging there somewhere in the background, so I keep busy trying to push it back further hoping that eventually, it will be easier to deal with. I think time really is the only thing that will lessen the pain I feel. I know that sounds awfully cliché. Perhaps today will be will a creative day and I can use that pain to help me create...

Monday, January 10, 2005

First ATC

Okay, here it is, my first ATC:

I decided to be brave and post it. Next time I'll try scanning as there are some weird particles or something on the first photo that aren't there in reality. Maybe some reflections or something. i dunno. Anyway, here it is.

Next post, I'll hopefully have some photos of the prototypes for my zine and maybe have done an even larger site update over at Spicey Creations than the January update I did a few days ago. T'is all for now. :) Happy Monday!

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Posting pics

I do realize I need to post some pics at some point. Well, maybe not need to, but certainly want to. I think I'll work on that along with a site update today. I'll do a bit of research and try to get that done later this week.

I've been shopping around for zines to read. Must feed zine habit. I have not finished mine quite yet. All that's left is the mini-zine really. I gave myself to late-January early February to get it done, but now I'm thinking I'd like to get the first copy mailed by January 15. Yes, I already have some copies reserved! I do love swapping so I'll try to get some sort of description along with a photo of the prototype sometime so those interested in trading can contact me.

I really want to add some links and things to spruce up my blog. Another thing to add to my "to do" list. File that away and try to check a few things off the list. Back to work with me! :)

Monday, January 03, 2005

Partipation Station or something *cool*

Well, I decided to participate in a few cool samplers. One is The Sampler ( and the other is the Ultimate Box Swap ( I just mailed off my contributions last week. I am hoping to receive lots of goodies from other businesses, especially indie/diy business in the goodie packages. I am waiting patiently til February which is when the goodies will be shipped. I'll give a review at that time. I will also post when my sneak peak is up at the Sampler. Crafty goodness -YAY!

Today, I also continued work on my first zine. I'm not sure if it's readable or what, but I had it on my head to do this and so I am finally doing it. I'm very excited about my zine as it is in it's final stages. Well, according to the deadline I gave myself it should be. If you are interested in trading for one, drop me a line and I'll let you know when it's done.

Oh, I also made my first Artist Trading card yesterday. Perhaps if I get brave, I'll take a piccy of it and post. :)

Sunday, January 02, 2005

I've discovered BLOGS!

Okay, so I didn't only just discover them. I've known about them for awhile and been tempted, but wasn't sure I had much to say. If you are reading this you'll probably discover I can be quite long-winded. We'll see how this plays out. I'm very much interested in getting my thoughts and ideas out there and having feedback which hopefully this will lead to.

I'm not sure if I should post a little introduction or what, but for the moment, I think I'll save that for my eventual "About Me" homepage.

You can find me on on occasion when I am looking for crafting stuff to do. I dabble in lots of things, but my main "skill", as it were, is beading/jewelry-making. My site is if you'd like to check it out in and give me your questions and comments. I try to update as often as possible, but I have some cool things that are not yet up so if you don't see what you want ask. I lurve doing commissions! Yes, I might be interested in trading/swapping for other groovy handmade stuff so leave me a comment with your email address and I'll surely get back to you. :)

My new "baby" is my zine which I am currently working on. A zine is basically a self-published magazine. I am discovering all the ins and outs of zine-making myself as this is my first. I'm scheduling it to come out in early February. If you are interested, again, drop me a line. I'd be happy to trade for yours. Hopefully, I will have some pics out soon and be able to tell you a bit more about it. I am planning to include some goodies with it so stay tuned!