Lessened learned: never have a condition that doesn't allow you to be able to stand up for long periods of time and definitely don't let anyone open you up and take things out. Well, actually still waiting on the second part. Should be fun. :P
The long and the short is that we now added the following items to our next shopping trip: a toaster and a colander. Maybe I'll buy one of those metal colanders?
We are thankful that only those things were harmed and it didn't turn into to something bigger and out of control. *OOF!* :)
In other, happier news, my Sampler arrived today!
It's really cool! I got lots of great things! Stand outs are the zines, pencil case, tote bag, and li'l pouch. I mailed off my samples for the next one Monday so I'll definitely be getting a March sampler. Actually, I've started brainstorming for April already. This was such a GREAT idea! I'm so jazzed to have participated in it!
One of my newest ATCs already found a new home and was deemed a "favorite". How cool is that?!
My muse visited me for a very brief moment and I also did this one
I wish she'd hang out a bit longer!
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