Erika of distro e is completely sold out of both issues of Lil Bit of Spice! She's re-ordered and I'm working on that now so she'll have some in stock again soon.
In other news, having reached my first goal, I think my first treat will be this lovely from Mellifluous Couture
Now, I just need to decide which fabric I want and the length of the dress.
I am also placing an order to J.Lynne Cosmetics. It is mineral make-up and you can get sample sizes of it to try before moving on to full size. I am getting several diffent products to try, but I am most interested in the foundations.
Oh, nearly forget! My friend, Alison, makes the COOLEST stuff!
This is one of the things she has up on eBay and, yes, she crocheted/knitted that little embellishment.
She also makes awesome cards and other kinds of unique scrapbooking stuff. Just contact her through her eBay and she'll give you more information. :)
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