Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

First, sorry for not keeping the momentum going after Blogtober. I didn't anticipate November being such a busy month! :) Blogtober was a lot of fun even though I didn't get to do everything as planned. I'm definitely going to give another  month of blogging everyday a try in the near future.

This morning was spent finalizing my Thanksgiving menu and making out a shopping list. As an American in France, it's obviously not a holiday here so we've taken to celebrating it the Saturday after in order to get a whole day's celebrating in. :) We usually have a few friends over to join in and it's a really good day.


Appetizer: Spinach squares - a new recipe I'm trying from

First Course: Mixed baby green with hot bacon dressing - old standby from  I'll be usually sliced duck instead of bacon

Main Course: Turkey Rolls with Potato Sausage Stuffing ( and Green Bean Bundles ( - my main course never changes though sometimes I add additional sides

Dessert: Pear and Almond Cake - (recipe in French)

Much simpler than the spread my family traditionally puts out. I do miss it, but lack of availability of certain ingredients has forced me to forge my own traditions. My family's special holiday meals are a treat for when I am in the States which makes them that much more special. :)

Whether you are celebrating Thanksgiving today or not, I hope you are enjoying an amazing day surrounded by your loved ones. :D

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